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Watch Birdemic 2 The Resurrection 2013

Watch in HD Birdemic 2: The Resurrection (2013)

  • MOVIE page: Birdemic 2: The Resurrection (2013)
  • Rate: 2.2/10 total 353 votes 
  • Genre: Action | Comedy | Horror
  • Runtime: USA:90 min
  • Filming Location: Los Angeles, California, USA
  • Director: James Nguyen
  • Stars: Whitney Moore, Alan Bagh, Brittany N. Pierce | See full cast and crew
Writing Credits By:
    (in alphabetical order)
  • James Nguyen  screenwriter

BIRDEMIC II: THE RESURRECTION TRAILER | SCI-FI-LONDON FILM FESTIVAL 2013 | OFFICIAL SELECTION Birdemic 2: The Resurrection OFFICIAL TEASER TRAILER 2013 [360p] Birdemic 2: The Resurrection Review A Resurrection Movie Trailer (2013) A Glimpse At BIRDEMIC 2: THE RESURRECTION 

Goofs: Factual errors: The film references birds falling from the sky in "Beebe (pronounced in the film as "Bee-buh"), Arkansas-Kentucky." The city (Beebe, Arkansas) is actually pronounced Bee-Bee.

Plot: A platoon of eagles and vultures attack Hollywood, California. Why did the eagles and vultures attack? Who will survive? |  »

Story: A platoon of eagles and vultures attack Hollywood, California. Why did the eagles and vultures attack? Who will survive?

Produced By:

  • Adam Deyoe known as executive producer
  • Lizzie Goodman known as assistant producer
  • Jeff Gross known as producer
  • Scott Pearlman known as co-producer
  • Loren Semmens known as executive producer
  • Jed Shepherd known as co-producer
  • Rory Walsh known as line producer

FullCast & Crew:
  • Whitney Moore known as Nathalie
  • Alan Bagh known as Rod
  • Brittany N. Pierce known as Jessica the Cowgirl
  • Carrie Stevens known as Tree Hugger's Wife
  • Chelsea Turnbo known as Gloria
  • Danny Webber known as Caveman
  • Rick Camp known as Dr. Jones
  • Stephen Gustavson known as Tree Hugger
  • Thomas Favaloro known as Bill
  • Patsy van Ettinger known as Nancy
  • Billy Mikus known as Billy
  • Jeff Gross known as Sunset Dreams Producer
  • Don Le known as La Brea Tar Pit Patron
  • Damien Carter known as Himself
  • Colton Osborne known as Tony
  • Eric Swartz known as Bill Stone
  • Danny Do known as La Brea Tar Pit Patron
  • Thuan Luu known as Will
  • Aaron Pressburg known as Dustin
  • Amanda Elliott known as News Anchor
  • Travis Sims known as Security Guard #1
  • Tony Cusumano known as Security Guard #2
  • Steve McMoy known as Robert Perkins
  • Emma Maatman known as Theater Patron (uncredited)
  • Anthony Tetrow known as Theater Patron (uncredited)
  • Nicholas Vance known as Theater Patron (uncredited)

Production Companies:

  • I Got a Fish Productions
  • Moviehead Pictures

Birdemic 2: The Resurrection (2013) Review by hunter_kudjo from United States

When you look at it, there really are four elements that make a "funnybad movie" one which we all enjoy: 1.) Bad technical execution (cameraangles, audio noise, continuity).

2.) Bad plot that makes no sense.

3.) Stupid unexpected "twists" or actual unexpected crap that'shilariously bizarre.

4.) Bad dialogue.

Movies like The Room, Troll 2, Ninja Justice Style, and Birdemic: S&Tall share these qualities. However there is a fifth element I totallymissed, that I only realized after watching Birdemic 2:

5.) Unintentional ignorance on behalf of the director and crew.

This ignorance is what makes The Room so special...Wiseau agrees its ablack comedy, but originally he thought he had made somethingincredible. Equally, Nguyen believed he was the reincarnation ofHitchcock in the first Birdemic. You can watch interviews and see thatno matter what he's told, he believes that Birdemic is NOT a comedy.Nguyen is possibly the best horrible director in this respect, becauseof that stone-solid ignorance.

Fast forward to Birdemic 2 in 2013. The four elements are all stillthere, but at one point in the film, you realize that ignorance ismissing. There are so many gags and obvious similarities between thefirst Birdemic and the sequel, that I began to wonder if Nguyen hadreally tried at all to continue his Hitchcock ambition in his ownvision. Gags such as (((SPOILER))) random nude women, an insane amountof bad continuity (i.e., car ride with Bill and Gloria), hundreds ofsequel similarities, and of course the blatant ending, all point tosomething fishy...no inspiration.

It's essentially the first Birdemic, just in HD, more actors, moreblood and CGI, more set locations, and no unintentional "creative"ingnorance from Nguyen.

I enjoyed the stupidity of the film, but not as much, since I feelNguyen realized he could rake in more money from crowd-sourcing by justmaking a very similar bad movie. Yet again in several interviews, heexplains how amazed he is that showings for Birdemic sold out. Nguyenactually makes more money than he ever dreamed of via theater showingsand crowd-sourcing for the second film. Why try a different path forsuccess, *Executive producer whispers in ear*, when the one you've gotworks? On the bright-side, the essential dialogue script must beNguyen's own genius: obviously showing his struggle with English, sameweird phrasing in conversations, and yet AGAIN with plot, noexplanation as to why the Birds always leave for no reason. Most everyspoken line I enjoyed much more than the same old gags on screen.

In the end, yeah, you should probably see this if you're a bad moviefan...but I look forward to Nguyen's next piece of ORIGINAL work thatwill undoubtedly be unintentionally terrible. Perhaps that's what themoney from this one will go towards. :)

Birdemic 2: The Resurrection (2013) Review by debtman from Columbus, OH
Let me start by saying, I am a huge fan of the original Birdemic. I'veseen a lot of bad movies. Battlefield Earth is pretty bad. The Room ispretty bad. Manos, The Hands of Fate is pretty bad. Birdemic trumpsthem all.

And now we have a sequel. Believe me, I was excited to see this. Sovery very excited, which no one I know understands. But whatever, Iknow what I like and I like crap. Unfortunately, this movie does notdeliver. I'm sorry, but there it is. The major problem you've got hereis that this movie is trying way to hard to be as terrible as the firstone, and that effort completely ruins it.

It's like William Hung on American Idol. You just can't believe it andare mesmerized by how awful it is. But then he just keeps doing thesame thing over and over, milking it for fame and money once herealizes people like that he's terrible. Yes, I'm comparing this movieto William Hung. And yes, like poor Will this sequel has hit the pointwhere it goes from being amusing to just being annoying.

Birdemic failed in essentially every way a movie could fail. The actingwas horrible, the camera work dismal, the script was ridiculous, thesound work utterly terrible. I could run out of synonyms for 'bad' justtrying to describe the first movie. And that, friends, is what made itgreat. Here you have a work of art lovingly created by someone andthrust out into the world, and you just cannot believe anyone couldcreate something so awful.

Now imagine that experience, but now it's completely obvious they weretrying to make something that awful on purpose. The magic is gone.Birdemic 2 is not so much a sequel, as it is the EXACT same movie butwith better sound and camera work. The plot is the same. There are manyscenes that are EXACT recreations of scenes in the first movie. Inshort the movie is, quite obviously, trying to pander to fans of thefirst movie's unintentional success. It's like watching someoneabsolutely terrible on American Idol, but then realizing that they'rejust trying to be terrible on purpose to get attention. It's not thesame. The magic is gone.

And, to be honest, decent camera work and sound kind of kills thehilarity. Plus I like Whitney Moore better with long hair...

Birdemic 2: The Resurrection (2013) Review by abqstreetcar from United States
I am a HUGE fan of the first Birdemic. It changed me. Never had I seensuch an honestly sincere attempt at film go so hilariously wrong. Irecommend it to anyone who loves so-bad-it's-good movies, it's soawesome.

Birdemic 2 isn't the perfect sequel to Birdemic, but it's still prettydamn entertaining. Rest assured that the sincerity of the first movieis still there, as is James Nguyen's heavy-handed touch (the maincharacter, now a Hollywood movie director, is still a placeholder forNguyen himself). The dialogue is just as insane (all the clumsy writingtrying to explain what happened since the first Birdemic was definitelymy favorite thing in this film). The graphics are still so awful theyleave you clutching your sides. And characters are introduced and thenimmediately forgotten about, just like in the first movie. The magic isstill there.

In fact, many of the elements of the first Birdemic have beenreproduced in the sequel. Indeed, the story follows much the same arcas the first, with events occurring in the same order. I get the strongsense that Nguyen saw this as an opportunity not just to tell a newBirdemic story, but to essentially remake Birdemic; to do it the way hewould have done it if he had had money and a crew the first timearound. So some might look at this as a cheap attempt to just copy thefirst movie to capitalize on its success. And perhaps that is whathappened.

But I'm going to give Nguyen the benefit of the doubt, because he doesadd a lot of new elements to this movie, and this is where Birdemic 2really shines. I don't want to spoil anything, but the new things hethrows in are insane and absolutely hilarious. In fact, strangelyenough, the bird scenes were my least favorite part of this movie (andthey were my favorite in the first) because they started to get ratherrepetitive. Fortunately, there is enough wackiness going on that itdoesn't bog down the movie too badly.

So no, I wouldn't say it's the perfect sequel to Birdemic. But it'spretty damn awesome. The heart is still there, and the clumsy tie-insto the first and the new stuff makes it totally worth the money I paidfor an online copy. This is definitely a movie I'm going to watch ahundred times over, just like the first Birdemic. Like I said, it feelslike Nguyen tried essentially to remake Birdemic but bigger and betterthis time. I'm not sure if you need to have seen the first Birdemic toreally enjoy this, but there's a lot of silly tie-ins which you canonly appreciate if you've seen the first, so I'd recommend it.

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